Center for applied mathematics
March 31st, 10:00 am to 12:30 pm

Room N5/1, Stewart Biology Building

Mathematical Approaches to Ecology and EvolutionAn Overview


10:00-10:10 – Introduction: – Fred Guichard

10:10-10:30 – Persistence and synchronization in experimental populations: – Gregor Fussmann, McGill University

10:30-10:50 – Food-web metacommunities and graph theory: – Pradeep Pillai, McGill University

10:50-11:15 – Discussion

11:15-11:30 – Break

11:30-11:50 – Stochastic dynamics on trees and graphs: – Lea Popovic, Concordia University

11:50-12:10 – Rapid exploiter-victim coevolution: the race is not always for the swift: – Vincent Calcagno, McGill University

12:10-12:30 – Discussion

April 15th, 2010 4:15 pm to 6:00 pm

Room 1101, McIntyre Medical Building

Mechanisms for sensory prediction in a cerebellum-like circuit
Dr. Nathaniel Sawtell

Department of Neuroscience,

Columbia University

For more information please contact Jo-Ann Kwadzo: Tel. (514) 398-3047 or
The CAMBAM Seminar Series is a MITACS and McGill sponsored event.Center for applied mathematics
Le 31 mars 10h00 à 12h30

Salle N5/1, Stewart Biology Building

Mathematical Approaches to Ecology and Evolution – An Overview


10h00-10h10 – Introduction: – Fred Guichard

10h10-10h30 – Persistence and synchronization in experimental populations: – Gregor Fussmann, Université McGill

10h30-10h50 – Food-web metacommunities and graph theory: – Pradeep Pillai, Université McGill

10h50-11h15 – Discussion

11h15-11h30 – Pause

11h30-11h50 – Stochastic dynamics on trees and graphs: – Lea Popovic, Université Concordia

11h50-12h10 – Rapid exploiter-victim coevolution: the race is not always for the swift: – Vincent Calcagno, Université McGill

12h10-12h30 – Discussion


Le 15 avril, 2010 16h15 à 18h00

Salle1101, McIntyre Medical Building

Mechanisms for sensory prediction in a cerebellum-like circuit
Le Dr Nathaniel Sawtell

Department of Neuroscience

Columbia University

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter Jo-Ann Kwadzo: Tel. (514) 398-3047 ou
La série de séminaires CAMBAM est parrainée par MITACS et McGill.